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Children’s Dentist

Dental Sealants for Kids

Benefits of Dental Sealants for Children

Did you know dental sealants can cut tooth decay risk in kids by almost 80%? These treatments act as a superb cavity shield. In Australia, using sealants in kids’ dental care is a strong defence against decay. Sealants can make a big difference early on in a child’s dental health. They add a protective coat […]

Toothbrush Tips for Kids

Choosing the Right Toothbrush for Your Child

Did you know that about 40% of children have tooth decay by the time they reach kindergarten? This startling fact shows how key it is to pick the right toothbrush for your child. Doing so helps start a lifetime of good dental habits. At Bayside Family Dental, we know how important it is for parents […]

Pediatric Dental Procedures

Common Pediatric Dental Procedures

Did you know that by the time they’re five, nearly half of Aussie kids haven’t seen a dentist? This fact highlights the importance of getting kids into the dentist’s chair early on. It’s vital for their health and development. Our clinic is focused on making a big, positive impact on children’s dental health. We offer […]

Thumb Sucking and Dental Health

Managing Thumb Sucking and Its Impact on Teeth

Did you know about 10% of kids keep thumb sucking after turning five? This habit, while natural in babies, can lead to big dental problems. Issues like crooked teeth and jaw problems can occur. At Bayside Family Dental, we believe in stopping these problems early. We offer tailored plans based on each child’s needs in […]

Emergency Dental Care for Kids

Handling Dental Emergencies in Children

Did you know over 5 million children worldwide have dental emergencies every year? This shows how important it is to quickly take care of our kids’ teeth in emergencies. Emergency dentists play a big role in fixing pain fast, stopping infections, and saving a child’s tooth. It’s crucial to act fast when a child chips, […]

Nutritional Advice for Kids' Dental Health

Diet Tips for Children’s Dental Health

Nearly half of all Aussie kids under six have tooth problems. What kids eat plays a big role in their oral health. Yet, getting them to eat right can be tough. In this article, we’re sharing top tips to boost your child’s dental care. At Bayside Family Dental, we get the struggle to promote healthy […]

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Why Mouthguards Are Essential for Kids’ Sports

Did you know about 39% of dental injuries in kids come from sports? This high number shows we need good youth sports safety steps. At Bayside Family Dental, our goal is to protect the smiles of young Aussie athletes. A big way we do this is by pushing for mouthguards. Sport is fun for youth […]

Teething Tips

Teething Tips for Parents

Did you know almost 80% of babies begin teething between 4 to 7 months? This significant step in your child’s growth is exciting but can come with challenges. Good infant dental care during the arrival of first teeth is crucial. At Bayside Family Dental, we offer top-notch advice to help parents and their teething infants […]

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Caring for Your Baby’s First Teeth

Did you know almost half of Australian kids aged 5 have had tooth decay? This fact shows how vital it is to look after baby teeth early on. The Australian Dental Association (ADA) says to start looking after teeth when the first one appears. Doing this sets up good dental health for your child. It […]

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When to Get an Orthodontic Evaluation for Your Child

Did you know around 30% of kids need braces or other treatments for their teeth? Bayside Family Dental cares a lot about your child’s smile and their overall growth. An orthodontic check is vital not just for looks but for spotting issues early. These can affect how your child talks, eats, and feels about themselves. […]

Managing Dental Anxiety in Kids

Helping Kids Overcome Dental Anxiety

Did you know nearly 20% of school kids in Australia are really scared of the dentist? This fear can cause big problems for their teeth and gums. It can also make them dread dental visits even when they grow up. At Bayside Family Dental, we understand how important it is for dental visits to be […]

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Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Dental Health

Did you know that nearly 28% of Australian kids have had tooth decay by age three? Teaching them about dental health can be really fun. At Bayside Family Dental, we love helping kids learn good oral hygiene early. We make learning exciting so they can enjoy it and keep healthy smiles for life. Key Takeaways […]

Cavity Prevention for Kids

Top Tips for Preventing Cavities in Kids

Did you know that nearly half of six-year-olds in Australia have tooth decay? It’s a big worry for many parents. Starting good dental habits early can make a huge difference for a child’s future. It’s a common mistake to think baby teeth don’t need much care. But actually, they need just as much attention as […]

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Protect Your Child’s Teeth with Sealants

Did you know almost half of Australian kids aged six have tooth decay in their baby teeth? It’s a worrying fact that highlights the need for early dental care. Sealants act as an effective shield against holes in teeth, especially in kids who are more at risk. At Bayside Family Dental, we support using sealants […]

Fluoride Treatments for Kids

Fluoride Treatments: Essential for Kids’ Dental Health

Did you know kids who get fluoride treatments often are up to 75% less likely to get tooth decay? At Bayside Family Dental, we really believe in fluoride for kids. It keeps their smiles bright and healthy. This mineral fights cavities and strengthens teeth. It can even fix early tooth decay. We want Australian kids […]

Pediatric Dental Exams

Importance of Regular Pediatric Dental Exams

Did you know that over 40% of Aussie kids have dental decay by age five? This fact highlights the need for regular pediatric dental exams. They are key for keeping children’s teeth healthy. The Australian Dental Association (ADA) suggests a child’s first dental visit should be by their first birthday. These first check-ups set the […]