Why Mouthguards Are Essential for Kids’ Sports

Did you know about 39% of dental injuries in kids come from sports? This high number shows we need good youth sports safety steps. At Bayside Family Dental, our goal is to protect the smiles of young Aussie athletes. A big way we do this is by pushing for mouthguards.

Sport is fun for youth but it comes with risks, especially to teeth. A mouthguard that fits well can lower the chance of getting teeth broken. It also helps protect the lips, tongue, face, and jaw from getting hurt. Mouthguards are key for youth sports safety. They help our kids play safer and with more sureness.

Key Takeaways

  • Sports-related activities cause around 39% of dental injuries in children.
  • Mouthguards are essential for dental protection for children in sports.
  • Properly fitted mouthguards can prevent serious dental trauma as well as injuries to the mouth and jaw.
  • Bayside Family Dental provides high-quality mouthguards to ensure youth sports safety.
  • Mouthguards allow children to play sports with increased safety and confidence.

The Importance of Safety in Kids’ Sports

Sports are key for a child’s growth both in body and mind. Yet, keeping kids safe in sports needs careful attention. Injuries are part of sports but we can lessen them.

This part explains how mouthguards help avoid injuries, especially to teeth. It also looks at other risks kids might face in sports.

Preventing Dental Injuries

Kids often get teeth and jaw injuries in sports. Mouthguards really help stop these injuries. Studies show they reduce the chance of hurting your mouth.

They soften the blow and guard teeth, gums and jaw.

Other Potential Injuries

Besides teeth, kids can also break bones, sprain muscles, or get concussions. Safe sports for kids mean warming up right, wearing the right kit, and knowing the game rules.

Mouthguards do more than protect teeth. They also lessen the chance of a bad concussion by spreading the shock of a hit.

Different Types of Mouthguards for Kids

Understanding the different types of mouthguards for kids is key for their oral safety. Each one has its own benefits and best uses. Let’s look at the options so you can choose the right one for your child’s protection.

Stock Mouthguards

Stock mouthguards are ready to use right off the shelf. You can easily find them at sports stores. They’re cheap and convenient but might not fit perfectly. This might make them less comfortable and protective. Still, for not-so-serious use, they do offer basic dental safety.

Boil and Bite Mouthguards

Boil and bite mouthguards offer a better fit than stock types. They’re made from a special material that softens in hot water. After boiling, you bite down to shape them to your teeth and gums. This process makes them a great choice for kids who need something more personal but not too expensive.

Custom-Fitted Mouthguards

Custom-fitted mouthguards are made just for your child by dental pros. Dental experts, like those at Bayside Family Dental, tailor them to fit perfectly. They’re best for children in contact sports because they provide great comfort and protection. Though they’re pricier, their top-notch safety and fit make them worth it.

Mouthguard TypeProsCons
Stock MouthguardsAffordable, readily availableLimited fit, less comfortable
Boil and Bite MouthguardsCustomisable fit, moderately pricedRequires preparation, not as durable as custom-fitted
Custom-Fitted MouthguardsSuperior fit and protection, highly durableHigher cost, requires dental visit

It’s super important to pick the right mouthguard for your kid’s dental safety. You can choose from a budget-friendly stock mouthguard, a more adaptable boil and bite, or a custom-fitted one. Knowing what each offers helps you keep your child’s smile safe.

How Mouthguards for Kids Work

Mouthguards are key in sports safety equipment for kids. They play a big role in dental injury prevention.

Mouthguards work by spreading out and softening the hit during sports. When a child gets hit in the face, the mouthguard cushions the teeth. This lowers the chances of getting hurt, like breaking teeth or damaging gums.

The mouthguard functionality also makes the force of a blow spread out more. This means that injuries aren’t as bad as they could be. It’s really useful in sports like football, rugby, and boxing where knocks to the mouth happen more often.

Moreover, these guards protect the jaw from big impacts. A good mouthguard can keep the jaw steady, lowering the chance of serious jaw injuries. It can also help prevent concussions.

Here’s a quick summary of how mouthguards help:

  • Shock Absorption: They take in the impact, making injuries less severe.
  • Force Distribution: The force is spread out, so less damage happens.
  • Jaw Stabilisation: Helps avoid jaw injuries and concussions.

Mouthguards are a must-have in sports safety equipment for kids. They keep kids’ smiles safe. Knowing how they work helps parents choose wisely for their kids’ dental health.

When Should Mouthguards Be Worn?

To protect teeth in sports, it’s key to know when to wear mouthguards. They are essential for safety during high-risk activities. This helps avoid injuries to teeth.

Sports Practices

Mouthguards are a must during sports training. The risk of injury is just as high as in games. So, wearing them every day keeps young athletes’ teeth safe.

Sports Competitions

Competitions increase injury risks. That’s why athletes must wear mouthguards. It’s crucial for their dental safety during the heat of the game.

Injury-Prone Activities

Outside official sports, kids often do other risky stuff. Like biking or skateboarding. They should wear mouthguards then, too. It keeps their dental health safe no matter what.

Benefits of Custom-Fitted Mouthguards

Custom-fitted mouthguards protect your child’s smile during sports. Choosing a tailor-made option from Bayside Family Dental brings many advantages.

Enhanced Comfort

Custom mouthguards advantages include better comfort. They are designed for your child’s unique dental shape. This means they fit snugly, making kids more likely to wear them.

Improved Protection

Custom-fitted mouthguards offer top-notch protection. They cover teeth and gums perfectly, absorbing shocks well. This dental guard comfort lessens the chance of injuries during sports.

Longevity and Durability

A custom-fitted mouthguard is a long-term dental safety tool. Made from durable materials, they last longer and can handle lots of use. It’s a smart choice for any parent.

Choosing the Right Mouthguard for Your Child

When picking children’s mouthguards, many things matter. It’s vital to choose the right one for our young sports stars. With so many options, finding the best one for your child is key.

First, think about the sport your child plays. For sports with lots of contact like rugby or hockey, a strong mouthguard is needed. A custom-fitted mouthguard provides the best protection because it’s made just for your child’s teeth, offering top dental safety for kids.

A comfy mouthguard is more likely to be worn all the time. While cheaper, stock mouthguards don’t fit well and aren’t comfy. Yet, custom mouthguard services at Bayside Family Dental promise a perfect fit. This means more comfort and better protection.

Also, think about your child’s unique dental profile. Each child’s mouth is different, especially if they have special dental needs. Custom mouthguards consider these needs for the best protection.

Let’s break down the choices:

Stock MouthguardsAffordable, easy to findNot a great fit, less comfy
Boil and Bite MouthguardsBetter fit, still affordableNeed moulding, not as tough
Custom-Fitted MouthguardsPerfect fit, best protection, made for your needsCosts more, you need to see a dentist

Choosing the right mouthguard is crucial for your child’s dental safety. At Bayside Family Dental, we specialize in custom mouthguard services. Our goal is to safeguard your child’s smile during sports.


Mouthguards are crucial for kids in sports. They protect them from dental injuries, which can have long-lasting effects. As parents, it’s our job to pick the right dental care for our young athletes. This keeps them safe while they play.

We’ve looked at different mouthguards, how they work, and when to use them. And we’ve seen why custom-fitted ones are best. They offer the best protection and comfort. By choosing good mouthguards, our kids can play sports without worry. And their smiles stay safe.

At Bayside Family Dental, we focus on mouthguards made just for your child. We offer custom solutions for their dental safety. Think about using our services to keep your child’s teeth protected. This way, they can follow their dreams without risking their dental health.


Why are mouthguards essential for kids’ sports?

Mouthguards are key for keeping kids safe in sports. They protect against damaged teeth by soaking up shocks. This helps stop dental and other injuries in young sports lovers.

What are the dangers of not wearing a mouthguard during sports?

Not wearing one puts kids at high risk of hurting their teeth. Mouthguards also help avoid injuries in sports that involve a lot of contact.

What types of mouthguards are available for kids?

Kids can choose from three types: stock, boil and bite, and custom-fitted. Each has its own level of safety, comfort, and fit.

How do mouthguards work to prevent dental injuries?

Mouthguards help by soaking up and spreading out forces when kids play sports. This lowers the chance of hurting teeth, gums, and jaws.

When should kids wear mouthguards?

Kids need to wear mouthguards for practices, games, and any risky activities. Regular use promises total dental protection.

What are the advantages of custom-fitted mouthguards?

Custom-fitted ones offer more comfort, better protection, and last longer. They fit better, making kids more likely to wear them. This level of safety is top-notch.